
Jack的小留学生日记 l 隔离生活很煎熬,还好我有歌剧陪伴

时间:2020-04-08 14:50:12 来源:智澳教育 作者:Jack




亲爱的读者们,大家好 !




我住在布里斯托,在这里,人们经常会去市中心的Hippodrome(布里斯托最著名的剧院)观看各种音乐剧、戏剧、歌剧。每年有三到四个月的时间,这里会上演最新的戏剧表演。对于布里斯托这样相对较小的城市来说,已经相当不错了,大多数观众的看剧需求都能被满足。布里斯托还有著名的音乐厅- 圣乔治与科尔顿音乐厅(St Georges and Colton Hall),这里每周都会举办爵士音乐会或独奏会,有时候还会邀请世界著名的音乐家来表演。


要问哪里可以看到英国最好的音乐表演或歌剧,毋庸置疑,当然是伦敦。伦敦有230个剧院,13个音乐厅,每周有数百场演出,而且表演质量极高,举世闻名的艺术家们都会在这里献艺…… 可以说,在伦敦,人人都可以找到自己最喜欢的歌剧表演。





PS:强烈推荐威尔第的《La Traviata》



It's now the end of my second week in quarantine and for me, the two weeks felt more like two years to me. 

Although day to day life is relatively paced, looking back to when the school first closed seemed so long in the past. In these two weeks, especially for the past few days, I've resorted watching operas to keep me occupied and musically inspired. Looking back to the time when we can still go out and enjoy these performances live, I am now ever so much more appreciative of the experiences I had.

Although Britain is not the most opera and musically cultured country in Europe, especially if you compare to countries like Austria, where they have a massive opera culture, there are still quite a selection of performances in many cities, with bigger cities like London, Manchester and Liverpool having their own opera houses.

In the city of Bristol where I live, one can easily go to the Hippodrome( the most popular theatre in Bristol) and see a range of musicals, plays or occasionally operas. With new ones coming every season (around three to four months), this is pretty decent for a relatively small city like Bristol and should satisfy many annual and seasonal viewers. With concerts, Bristol has more to offer with it's most well-known concert halls - St Georges and Colton Hall - having jazz concerts to recitals weekly, sometimes even with world-renowned musicians performing. But for Bristol, this is about it. 

If you ask anyone about where to see the best musical or opera in the UK, almost everyone will say London. Of course, with two hundred and thirty theatres and thirteen concert halls having hundreds of performances weekly, London is the place to go. You can find your desired operas, plays or concert performed by your favourite theatre companies or orchestra almost at any time of the year. The quality of the performance is very high with many world-renowned performers staring the shows. 

Just last summer, my parents and I went to London specifically to see the BBC Proms. The BBC Proms is an eight-week summer season of daily orchestral classical music concerts and other events held annually, performed predominantly in the Royal Albert Hall. This event first started in 1833 and have been going on since. We went to see the two hundredth anniversary of Queen Victoria concert which was incredibly enjoyable, both the music and the stories and history behind the pieces. The concert ended at eight and we had a nice dinner near the Royal Albert Hall still chatting about the music and the performer going back to the hotel around nine. A fantastic and very pleasurable experience indeed.

Thinking about the situation now, the epidemic and quarantine strangely had a positive effect on me which is that it got me really into operas. I now will at least watch two operas every week and I will continue to do this even after the quarantine( possibly less in school term). Operas introduced a whole new dimension of music to me and I will definitely see a lot more of them live in the future. 

ps - Currently, I am watching La Traviata by Verdi and I really recommend it!




