Jack的小留学生日记 l 英国礼仪
在英国,有一句古老的谚语:“举止得体才为绅士”,这句话凸显了英国文化对礼仪的重视。伊顿和温彻斯特公学的校长威廉·霍曼(William Horman)在他的著作《伏尔加里亚语》(Vulgaria)中首次提到了这一谚语,该书于1440年至1535年间在英格兰的都铎王朝时期创作。
In Britain, an old proverb goes " manners maketh man", which basically means that politeness and good manners are essential to humanity. This proverb first noted down by William Horman, a headmaster at Eton and Winchester College, in his book "Vulgaria", which was written between 1440 and 1535 in Tudor England. Although proper etiquette and manners are slowly fading out of our society as less and less people practice it, we must not fall into the trend of increasing unawareness of civility and good etiquette as it shows the best you have to offer and makes a good impression on others in everyday life which also help you to feel good about yourself and your identity. The history of manners can be seen as a long and unsteady civilising process, with human beings gradually and painfully learning to tame the beast inside for the sake of propriety and kindness. In the Western Hemisphere, a big breakthrough of manners and proper behaviours was in 20AD, at a high point of the Roman Empire. People are now more focused on hygiene: from having at least a bath a week to removing nasal hair to containing the display of violence and also policing the way men behaves towards women and to brushing our teeth many times a day, conscious of our bad breath.
However, with little knowledge of odontology and science, the ingredients they used for toothpaste were somewhat random and plainly disgusting to the modern eye, but their mentality is advanced and fascinating. Unfortunately, with the downfall of the Roman Empire, manners and refinement also halted. This was then slowly picked up in the medieval period, around 1100 years after the height of Rome. Here, a new concept called Chivalry is introduced to the courts of Europe: an idea than men need to moderate their force and maltreatment of women to protect both theirs and the women's honour and dignity. In the following centuries, these principle ideas were slowly refined; first with the Venetian glassware in the 1450s which was extremely delicate and easy to break, showing that moderation and elegance are admirable and not just tedious; and also with the introduction of the use of forks in the late sixteenth century Europe, which was a way to temper and guide our appetite. The manners and etiquette rules of Britain today are derived from the ones in the Victorian Era, for example, to shakes hand, to bow, taking hats off indoors, and much more. Though the most formal etiquettes are used less in today's society than, say, in the last century, basic politeness and manners are still a huge determinant of how people view you, both in casual and formal settings.Research has shown that our first impression is made in the first seven seconds of the interaction and in interviews and meetings, this is the time where the interviewer will make their decisions subconsciously, thus making our actions and politeness ever more important. So this means that in Britain, at least we shake our hands firmly with our counterpart while not hugging or touching with our other hand, we relax and smile while we are talking and also stand and sit straightly.
More etiquette and attire based posts will be uploaded monthly, see you around.