
Jack的小留学生日记 l 英国历史

时间:2020-08-28 10:08:55 来源:智澳教育 作者:——









随后,他巧妙解决了不列颠北部布里甘特的问题(Brigantes, 现今的利物浦和曼彻斯特到诺森伯兰郡),迫使布里甘特人屈服于罗马。公元85年,他在苏格兰取得了格劳皮乌斯山战役的胜利,罗马因此得以扩大疆域并加强了对英国的控制, 这意味着几乎整个英国(除苏格兰部分地区外)都在罗马的控制之下。但是在大获全胜的第二年,阿格里科拉准备继续北上收服时,被迫卸任归家,因多疑的图密善皇帝不允许边疆总督有更大的功绩。接任的不列颠总督们发现征服苏格兰地区的付出要高于回报(因地势复杂且资源匮乏),渐渐地他们放弃了对苏格兰地区的征服。










在整个罗马时期,不列颠岛一直都有三个以上的罗马军团驻扎着,总计大概有15,000名士兵,这意味着罗马从未完全控制不列颠的英国人。公元193年,罗马再次爆发了政权危机,“五帝之年”(一年内出现了5位皇帝争夺者)的到来标志着晚期罗马帝国的开始。 未标题-8-28-6.jpg




It’s the year 68 AD, and a crisis and emerged in the Roman Empire. The current Emperor Nero was crazy and deemed the enemy of Rome, which subsequently lead to his suicide. This left a massive power gap in Rome and the next year, known as the Year of the Four Emperors shockingly saw four emperors in the space of a year and it plunged the Empire into chaos. Whist the Empire fell into said crisis, the Brigantes territory collapsed with the northern border of Roman Britain subjected to intense raiding. This chaos was finally put to an end when Vespasian won the civil war in Rome and reunited the empire. The return of stability led to a lot of reinforcements over the holdings in Britain and in the late seventies, Rome was able to expand their control over the island in part due to Agricola the newly appointed governor of Britannia in 77 AD. He first defeated and conquered the Brigantes (the area from nowadays Liverpool and Manchester up to Northumberland) and also led several more expeditions which led to the advancements into Caledonia winning many victories, especially at the Battle of Mons Graupious in nowadays Scotland. This means that almost all of Britain is under Roman control but after Agricola was recalled back to Rome in 85 AD, Caledonia shifted broke off from Roman influence.

Because straight on conquering requires lots of manpower and capital, the Romans corporation of Britannia was achieved via urbanisation and the desire of the native elites to become Roman - Romanisation. With Romanisation, the public baths the Romans built allowed those who used them to distinguish themselves from the unwashed barbarians, from outside the empire, the newly introduced Latin and Greek literary classics could be read to show off one’s intelligence, and the new imported goods from the rest of the empire could be worn to show off wealth as well. This makes Rome finally able to incorporate the local elites into their empire, though they did not seem as equals. This can be displayed by the writer Tacitus who was Agricola’s son-in-law. In his writings, he said that within the British, a “Liking sprang up for our style of dress, and the toga became fashionable. All this in their ignorance they called civilisation when it was but a part of their servitude.”

In the newly established settlements, the Romans built the baths and temples, they were almost paid for by the native elites, not the emperor nor the Roman government. As far as these settlements go, there are four types of them. First is Coloniae, modern-day Lincoln, which were the high-status wealthy centres, which were where military veterans and Roman citizens were settled. Lower down are the Municipias, which housed primarily non-Roman citizens; and then next are Civitates which are small urban centres such as Corinium, which are romanised settlements of conquered people.

Finally, there’s the Vici, which re tiny settlements primarily made up of traders which often sprang up around Roman garrisons to benefit from trading with the army. Though granted, most of the population of Roman Britain lived in rural areas as farmers and their lives didn’t change much other that there is a bigger urban market to sell their excess crops.

The amount of effort put into Romanising and Urbanising Britain vary greatly over the decades, but one emperor who put a great deal of effort into promoting development was Hadrian, who actually visited Britain in the year 122 AD. Hadrian paid for development in Londinium with money from Rome and also attempted to drain the fens, an area of swampland, to make it more arable. But of course, what he is most famous for is the building of Hadrian’s Wall, which finished its construction in 128 AD, six years after its beginning. Note that there are a couple of misconceptions about this wall; one being that it’s not the border between modern-day England and Scotland, and secondly, it’s no a wall to keep everyone out, but collect taxes from traders when they enter.

The fact that throughout the Roman period, Britain was never home to less than three Roman legions, roughly 15,000 men shows that Rome never fully pacified Britannia’s population. However, Back in Rome, a crisis arose again in 192 AD, only two emperors after Hadrian, and came the Year of the Five Emperors, which marks the beginning of the Late Roman Empire.

Tune in next time for more!






