
Jack的小留学生日记 l 英国升学那些事儿

时间:2020-10-30 10:02:43 来源:智澳教育 作者:JACK










对于16岁之后的入学考试,要求就会比较高了,考试范围会从以往的三科变成更多定制的内容,假如你想参加16+的考试,拿我一个朋友举例,他最近考入了卡迪夫Sixth Form (Sixth Form的概念等于国内拥有普通高中教育资格的学校即A Level-英国教育体制下的高中,卡迪夫 Sixth Form 入学资格是成绩达到 90.28%  A 才能进入)。他就参加了自己将选修的A-Level课程的测试,包括经济学、物理学、数学、高阶数学。这个测试的面试则侧重于学术面试,包括他对未来的职业规划,大学的意向等等。还像前两次的考试一样,如果你想展现给别人自己是一个多元化发展的人,最好可以多展现给面试官一些自己课外的活动。


总而言之,如果你想申请一所英国学校,一定要对该学校的申请过程及学校的课程设计做深入的了解和研究,成绩是一方面,更多是能够像面试官展现出自己的热情。如果有更多关于学校申请的相关问题,请随时联系Top UK School 的教育咨询老师。




The entrance system in the UK is quite different from many other countries, partially due to their high numbers of private schools. And as application deadlines are just around the corner and exams and interviews are fast approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to explain how the system sort of functions and what can one do to make this experience as less stressful or nerve-wracking as possible.

Starting from the youngest age group, we have the 11+. Here, the entrance exams would normally consist of three papers, English, Maths, and Science; and the level of these papers varies greatly depending on the school. For example, an entrance paper from my old school, Clifton College, might only consist of standard year 6 and year 5 materials with some harder more logical questions testing the applicants’ level of knowledge, while a paper from Brighton College might have more stretch questions in combination with some challenge questions. After passing the exam, there's the interview. At this stage, the interview is less likely to be academically based and might contain more questions about your hobbies, subjects you enjoy, what you want to do as an adult, and also why you want to come to this school. Thus, it will be beneficial to prepare some of these topics, especially on the sports and musical side as it shows the interviewer that you can fit in and contribute to the school.

Then we have the 13+ entrances. The entrance exams are still going to be mostly the same with a maths, English and Science paper. However, speaking from experience, some schools might also ask you to prepare for a language paper which might include a writing assessment in a foreign language (European languages) such as French and Spanish, and also a language reasoning paper, which tests one's language skills in general. The verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests might be also on the list; verbal reasoning tests your English vocabulary and comprehension, while non-verbal reasoning is a test for pattern recognition and mathematical skills. Regarding the interviews, the questions are most likely going to be around your choices for the GCSEs and more focused on academic and possibly A-level, but mentioning your extra-curriculum involvements such as sports and music is great as it shows that you can use your time efficiently.

Finally, we have 16+. This is when the exams get difficult and the interviews demanding. The exams might vary from the classic English, Maths and Sciences, to more customised ones such as the subjects one wants to take for A-level. For instance, my friend, who is recently got into Cardiff 6th Form (formally the most academical school in the UK with 90.28% of A* to A  A-level results), tested his on Economics, Physics and Maths, as these are the subjects he wanted to do for his A-levels. Here, the interviews are more focused on your subject choices, as well as future plans on universities and eventually careers. Still, just like the previous two entry points, mentioning extra-curriculum involvement and how it helps you show that you can manage your time and your life is balanced which is aspired. As well as the interview and exams, some school might ask you to provide a personal statement or something similar.

To conclude, if you want to apply to a new school regardless if you are already in the UK or not nor your current year, be sure to research a lot about the school you are applying for as it shows the examiner your enthusiasm and also think about the topics mentioned above thoroughly so that you appear to be clear-minded and decisive. If you have any more queries or want expert advice on what schools to apply for and more, contact Top UK Schools for more. Otherwise, good luck!






